Business Continuity Consulting Services

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Business Continuity Consulting & Management

In present-day work environment, the concept of business continuity becomes imperative. We help you to transform into a resilient organization and assure your business is always up and running, no matter what.

What is Business Continuity?

Business continuity is an activity executed by an organization, ensuring that critical business functionalities are available to clients, regulators, suppliers, and other personnel that holds access to those business functionalities. It involves planning and implementation of certain counter contingency methodologies, which ensure that an organization’s critical business functionalities are not disrupted by incidents, and also can be restored within a reasonably short period.

Business Continuity Consultant - 3 key elements

  • Resilience: Critical business functionalities and the supporting infrastructure are planned and engineered to ensure that they are resilient to materialistic disruptions, such as those due to use of redundancy and spare capacity.
  • Recovery: Provisions are made to recover and restore both business critical and less critical functionalities that might suffer failure.
  • Contingency: Contingency preparations comprise last-resort responses, in case both the resilience and recovery arrangements prove inadequate in practice. Organizations invest comprehensively in developing capabilities to effectively cope with any major incidents and disasters, both predicted and unforeseen.

Business Continuity Consulting - Services We Offer

  • Business Impact Analysis (BIA): We provide assistance in predicting every possible operational and financial consequence of the disruption of critical business functionalities.
  • Risk Assessment (RA): We help in the identification, analysis and impact assessment of every potential threat to your business so that you’re ready to manage and mitigate your exposure to them.
  • Continuity Strategy and Planning: We work closely with you in translating the findings from BIA and RA contingency exercises into robust strategies that meet the ISO 22301 industry standard.

Business Continuity Consulting - Benefits

  • Better Data, Hardware, and Software Protection
  • Imparting knowledge and awareness to clients regarding the precautionary measures that needs to be taken during disaster to ensure business continuity
  • Keeping Insurance Premiums Under Check
  • Ensure Compliance
  • Boost Staff Morale
  • Gain an Edge in the Market

Call us at +91-120-466-3031 | +91-971-177-4040 to discover our truly bespoke solutions for your business continuity or contact us to discuss more on business continuity plan.

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