Worldwide Insurance Microsoft Case Study

Home Client List Case Studies Worldwide Insurance Microsoft Case Study
The Challenge

Worldwide Team was suffering from slow performance and service interruption of IT infrastructure which is running in third party Datacentre and managing by some cloud services provider based on somewhere in Mumbai.

Client was facing continuous slowness and service interruption while heavy traffic on infra. Based on the rounds of discussion we had with the client's team, we comprehend that client requires to setup their App/DB workload on AWS Cloud with a solution that is cost-efficient, reliable, secure, scalable, and flexible.

i2k2 needs to simplify the management of client's IT infra and help deliver technology solutions that work exactly the way client want. AWS have services, which are highly customizable and easily scalable to client's growing business needs.

  • Simplify the IT infra and provide managed support and consultancy for the same
  • Ensure the resource availability at real-time to avoid interruption of IT services
  • Manage the resource utilization as per the need in addition to manage load among the resources present in the IT infra

Providing highly secure infra with the monitoring and notification

The customer Application runs on .net and IIS app server. It uses window server 2016 for hosting the application and MS-SQL server 2016 Web Edition as the backend database.

Why Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS is a secure cloud services environment, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.

By moving to AWS, organizations are realizing benefits such as a broad IT infrastructure, support for a variety of use cases, feature sets, enhanced visibility, and the ability to deploy globally within minutes.


Considering the customers' requirements i2k2 has designed a solution based on AWS to ensure reliability, security and more focussing on managing workload smartly to provide the IT infra which is fast, responsive, and easy to monitor and understand which is also ensuring availability of content in seconds. i2k2 proposed the solution architecture which included their Windows based application to EC2, database on RDS and integrated along with other managed AWS services. Key features of the solutions are

  • Complete architecture has been configured in AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region.
  • For the application servers we have configured IIS web server on EC2 with MS Windows Server 2019 in private subnets.
  • Application load balancer and Auto scaling groups are used to ensure high availability across multiple AZ's.
  • For Database, MSSQL Server Web Edition has been configured on RDS server.
  • NAT Gateway has been configured for outgoing connectivity to EC2 Instances in private subnets.
  • OpenVPN has been configured on Linux EC2 instances for secure connectivity.
  • System Manager is configured for patching the server & Microsoft applications on Amazon EC2 instances.

Key AWS Services Used

  • VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) | NAT Gateway | Application Load Balancer | WAF | KMS
  • System Manager| IAM User |CloudWatch| CloudTrail | SNS
  • EC2 Instances for APP Server | EC2 Instances for OpenVPN Server
  • RDS for DB SQL Server | GuardDuty | Route53 | Lambda
  • CodePipeline | CodeCommit | CodeDeploy | S3

Business Benefits

  • Scalability: During peak traffic, when the number of audiences increase, the resources gets auto scaled to meet the demand by launching new instances. The ALB load balances the traffic among all the instances
  • Monitoring: Using CloudWatch to detect anomalous behaviour in environments with the help of set alarms, log visualization and metrics side by side to take automated actions, troubleshoot issues, and discover insights to keep the applications running smoothly.
  • Security: Using AWS WAF benefited the client from secure infrastructure by protecting Layer 3,4,6,7 attacks and CloudWatch Metrics to get the number of requests for count, allowed, blocked requests to detect any DDoS attacks.
  • Cost Management: Client has also cut the time and expense of managing its IT because most of the AWS infrastructure is used in Reserve Instance model.

Why i2k2

As an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner & DevOps competent Managed Amazon cloud services provider, i2k2 provides comprehensive folio of cloud solutions along with prompt and reliable support. Our partnership with AWS goes several years back, even before we formalized our association with the company in 2013. Key reason to choose i2k2 was 21+ years of proven business. Talent is vast due to extensive IT exposure in India.

About i2k2 Networks

i2k2 Networks is the No.1 Dedicated Web Hosting company in India and a trusted name in the IT cloud hosting services industry that offers a full gamut of cutting edge enterprise solutions which drive business in today's Internet-powered world. Our folio includes Dedicated Servers, Cloud Hosting- Public, Private and Hybrid, Data Center Services, Business Email Solutions, Managed IT Services, Backup, and DR Solutions, DevOps Services, Cloud Enablement, Enterprise Hardware solutions, and various other integrated services. A team of dedicated and professionally driven IT experts conversant with diverse client requirements are available 24x7x365 to provide extended support. With superior technologies to host, design and develop high-quality websites and applications, we ensure to deliver unmatched value to our clients.

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