Case Study - Education Business

Migration to i2k2 Dedicated Server

Industry: Education

Established in 1965, the client is a very eminent center for art and archaeology headquartered at the University of Chicago and in the United States, and in India is based at Gurugram. The educational institute was formed to further the knowledge of Indic art and the cultural diversity of the nation by supporting Indian American scholarship. The program welcomes scholars and researchers to their Archive and Library that maintains the finest collections of Indian art history in the subcontinents. They have a huge repository of archived documents to maintain the records and images of more than 7000 monuments and ancient heritages along with their architectural plans. More than 6000 scholars and creative artists have received support from the institution, with their work spanning the humanities, social sciences, social policy, and natural sciences.

Business Need

The client was hosted on physical servers which were collocated with Sify data center for the last 3 years. The 3-year contract of the client with Sify and server AMC was coming to an end.


The client was looking for a more cost-optimized solution with fully managed support services.


  • The i2k2 Networks project team after understanding the client's current infrastructure suggested the client move to our fully managed cloud to save the cost of server AMC and colocation. As it's a Govt. of India funded organization and it was mandatory for the client to host site in Indian DC, i2k2 also offered the client a buy-back on old hardware.
  • We gave a one-week free demo to the client in our private cloud, before the final implementation.
  • The client was impressed with website performance and our 24×7×365 support and hence migrated their application on our private cloud with 5 years contract. The client is quite happy with our services for last 1 year and it's a WIN for i2k2 as we focus on our customer like a family.

Why i2k2

The i2k2 Networks offer dedicated servers for large enterprises and high traffic websites, i2k2 have a dedicated team of professionals for Public and Hybrid Cloud Solutions. The i2k2 solutions give the customer complete control with unmatched customization, installation, configuration, flexibility, scalability, and 24x7x365 comprehensive support. The customer does leverage our expertise and solutions to get the ultimate hosting experience for their website and clients.

About i2k2 Networks

i2k2 Networks is the No.1 Dedicated Web Hosting Company in India and a trusted name in the IT cloud hosting services industry that offers a full gamut of cutting edge enterprise solutions which drive business in today's Internet-powered world. Our folio includes Dedicated Servers, Cloud Hosting- Public, Private and Hybrid, Data Center Services, Business Email Solutions, Managed IT Services, Backup, and DR Solutions, DevOps Services, Cloud Enablement, Enterprise Hardware solutions, and various other integrated services. A team of dedicated and professionally driven IT experts conversant with diverse client requirements are available 24x7x365 to provide extended support. With superior technologies to host, design and develop high-quality websites and applications, we ensure to deliver unmatched value to our clients.

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