Zimlets are small programs created as a mechanism to integrate third-party information and content with the Web Client features. Zimlets interacts you with different content types in your email messages.
Webmail’s functionality can be improved by integrating different types of services within the Webmail interface and these services are called Zimlets. A Zimlet can be opened by clicking on its name which is located on the left hand side of the Webmail screen, within the section titled Zimlets.
Only one Zimlet would be available at the time of release – the Video Live! Zimlet. This allows you to copy and paste YouTube and Google Video links and you may receive with email into a field then runs the video in an another window located in the bottom left corner of the Webmail interface. It means that if you receive a link to one of these videos you can copy and paste it into the Zimlet and then the video would play on your screen without navigate you away from Webmail to go to the YouTube of Google Video websites.
It is hoped that as more Zimlets become available, Westnet will includes much more functionality to improve the usability of the Webmail platform.
Examples of zimlets
- Mouse-over a physical address and see a pop-up Yahoo map of the location. Click on the address and go to the Yahoo Maps web page.
- Click on a UPS tracking number in email and automatically open a web page to see its shipping status.
- Click on the Amazon zimlet and search the Amazon web site from within Zimbra.
- Click on the Wikipedia zimlet and search the Wikipedia web site from within Zimbra.
- Right-click (Windows) or Option-click (Macintosh) on the Search zimlets to search a variety of sites from within Zimbra.