The most important thing before making website is that the template of the website should be Search Engine Friendly. Here the meaning of the search engine friendly template is that search engine’s crawler could easily find your pages. So how can you make that type of templates? In this article we are trying to give you some tips to improve your business. Use the following tips given below to improve your website ranking:
- Try to make your template in Div in place of Table. Search engines give the preference those sites built in Div.
- Use CSS because CSS files use in all the pages of the website and CSS file can be import from one location to other location. So if you want to change some look of your website than little change in CSS file will be updated your whole website.
- Avoid to use the flash and JavaScript in your website. Flash and Java script fill up your visitor’s computer memory and make them speed slowly. Instead you can use some CSS and codes
- Use simple and clear navigation so that even a simple lay man will know how to use it. Try to us the straight forward navigation. Some times complicated navigations make your visitors confused. Avoid using fly out or dropping down navigation.
- No doubt that images or pictures are more than a thousand words but lots of pictures may create difficulty for the search engines. Use minimum number of images in your site and try to use the CSS in place of images for text.
- Don’t use deprecated HTML coding, make sure your website complies to w3 org web standards and make sure it is cross-browser compatible.
- Use healthy content for your website. Actually search engines like Google see the content of the page. In your content use the keyphrases and keywords. Also use the keyphrase to give the name of your website’s files.
- Size of the content also matters. Don’t use the heavy contents. Visitors don’t want to read the heavy contents. So try to use short and informative content