SEO is the process of optimizing your website to get the rank well on search engine results pages. This process is useful when you want to appear in top 20 of the search result if someone types a keyword or phrase and looking for your product into search engines like Google. But this can be only possible if you have the correct knowledge to get the best results.
Eight Essential tricks for Proper SEO
1) Research the keywords: Before start making your website, research on which keywords you want to target in back links if possible and your main page of your web site will revolve around these keywords.
2) Original content: The content of your webpage/blog/article etc should be original as Search engines support websites consist of original content which will also naturally draw incoming links and visitors as well.
3) Use HTML: Some search engines use java script but it should be noted that your site may not even get seen by search engines by not using regular html link between pages on. So, if your page text is not seeing, your target keywords are never seen by the search engines.
4) Update your content regularly: An updated website have a big impact on your search engine ranking as, most search engines prefer fresh content.
5) Create a sitemap: Sitemaps helps search engines to walk your website easily as well as help visitors to find what they are looking for on your website. Link your sitemap from your main page.
6) Webpage title tag: Put your target keywords in your title tag.
7) W3C compliant: Compiles your web pages with the World Wide Web. It is not possible to know exactly how the search engine spiders read a web page and how it will handle non-standard code. It has been tested to handle html code that follows the standard.
8) Build back links at a normal pace: Where all members automatically show links to all the other members do not use one of those link farm programs as Search engines will see you showing thousands of back links instantly and it could get you penalized or banned. So, build the back links at a normal pace.
Now we hope this article will definitely help you to know what are the things you should remember when you are going to use SEO process for your web site?