Join your hand with UNIDO

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized United Nations Agency helping many developing countries pursue sustainable industrial development. It was established in 1966, with over 40 years of development in impartiality, multi-laterality and professionalism; UNIDO has more than 13,000 technical assistance and investment projects in over 170 developing countries and successfully promotes 1000 investment projects per year all over the world.

UNIDO provides excellent solutions to current industrial problems as it offers a package of integrated services to areas such as environment protection, mining, agricultural/food processing, infrastructure, service industries, tourism etc. The three key concerns are sound environment, competitive economy and productive employment at the enterprise as well as policy / institutional level.

UNIDO has become a very important part of the global multilateral technology /investment/project financing system in the area of technology and investment promotion such as “Guidelines for Project Evaluation”, “Manual on Project Feasibility Study Report”, “BOT Manual” etc. and all these have become accepted standards worldwide.

It has also launched the special programs Subcontracting and Partnership Exchanges (SPX) in June 2007.


UNIDO designed supplier development program (SDP) for the SMEs in Pune who would want to become a supplier for international and local auto makers in abroad and the country and/or who would want to strengthen their linkage with already existing customers.

The three main focuses in this program are:

  1. Supplier strategies; positioning strategies; strategies independently without clients
  2. Readiness for OEM Markets; strategies with suppliers; Automakers expectations
  3. Case study for an OEM’s supplier development

Through the following methodologies, teams of UNIDO international and local experts will choose companies to work with and transfer the above mentioned knowledge;

  1. Seminars, classroom trainings, workshops
  2. Customer visits (Tier1 and OEM)
  3. Manuals, presentations, training documents
  4. Shop floor visits; working one by one in some cases

So, join your company with UNIDO, who has established close relations with over 31,000 enterprises and financial institutions from the industrial countries through its partnership building.