Electromagnetic radiation can be classified into non-ionizing radiation and ionizing radiation based on one thing that whether it is capable of ionizing atoms and breaking chemical bonds. Like Ultraviolet and higher frequencies like gamma rays or X-rays are ionizing. These pose their special hazards on human beings.
Non-ionizing radiation is associated with two main potential hazards that are biological and electrical. Caused by radiation, induced electric current can generate sparks and create a fire or explosive hazard.
Some biophysical mechanisms for the promotion of cancer have been proposed and some research has implicated exposure in various adverse health effects. These include adult leukemia, childhood leukemia, neurodegenerative diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, clinical depression and miscarriage.
The low-frequency, low-power, electromagnetic radiation associated with household current constitute a short or long term health hazard. The effects of electromagnetic radiation on human beings find an abnormal increase of people with cancer and mental illnesses.
Groups that have been studied are video display units (VDU) users, radio and telegraph operators. One study has been focused at radio amateurs. The studied conclusions include cardiovascular effects, ocular effects, cancer and reproductive effects.
Mobile phone radiation is effecting on most of the people’s health as there is an enormous increase in the use of wireless mobile telephony throughout the world. Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range and this may be harmful to human health. These concerns have induced a large body of research (both experimental and epidemiological, in humans and also in non-human animals). Effects on health have also been increased regarding other digital wireless systems like data communication networks.
So, electromagnetic radiation is not only effecting human health but also other living beings and the ecosystems.