How can we increase Google Crawling Rate?

Sometimes people face the problems with their web sites like web pages not being indexed for a long time. That’s why they all wants to know that how they can increase the Google crawling rate or Google crawl rate.

But before explaining you to how to increase Google crawling rate, I would like to tell you that what determines how or with what frequency Google crawls your web site

•    Relative importance of your site

Relative importance of your web site can be measured by two metrics:

•    Number of web pages within your web site
•    Number of links to your web site

Now, I am mentioning the methods which will help you to get my post crawl faster by Google:

1.    Turn on Pingback and Trackback option ON for you blog.

2.    Now when you write any new article or post try to include relevant link with proper Anchor text to your older article or post that are already indexed/ crawled in Google.

3.    Pingback/ Trackback helps Google crawler to locate new links and by adding Pingback from your new post you are directing Googlebot to crawl your newer post.

4.    One thing also I want to tell you that apart for this Google webmaster also have option to set Google Crawling Rate.

You need to remember one thing that the more important your web site is, the more often Google will crawl your web site. Google crawling is required by a large content-rich portal more often as such portal is likely to add new content whereas a low-quality outdated web site would be a waste of time if Google crawled it quickly. If have pointing more quality links to your web site then Google will give higher values to your site and crawls it with higher crawl frequency.

I hope my all tips will be remembered by you.