In 21st century the whole world is depend upon the internet. From Online shopping to money transaction is possible by internet. You can’t imagine the life without the internet. Today every big organization is working online. Hospital, banks, IT industry etc are depending on online marketing so they need internet. Internet plays as a platform from where user gets their result but one other player of internet also plays an important role for giving convenience to the user.
Search engine is the player who plays a big role behind the internet success.
Search engine is a program or algorithms who give the result according to the query ask by the user. Today there are more than billions of sites available so searching a website related to your query is impossible without the help of search engine. There are many search engines are available like Google, Yahoo, Msn, Ask, AltaVista etc.
More than 70% users use Google for searching purposes. The fast and accurate result, clarity and simplicity makes Google milestone ahead from other search engines. Approximately 90% developers, seo and web designers use Google for getting answers of their queries. Maximum webmasters want to show their website in Google’s first page.
One another benefit of Google is that it provides I’m Feeling Lucky button, after clicking on this button you can directly go to the website which is more relevant for your query. This button helps to save time of the user.
Besides of search engine, Google provides various tools for SEO, Web Development and web designer. From Webmaster tool you can get the advance tools related to your requirements. Webmaster guideline helps webmasters to promote their websites in search engines.
Google offers you to earn money online. You can earn money to display the Google adwords on your website. For more detail you can visit Google AdSense .Many organization make good amount of money with the help of Google AdSense.
Google Earth lets you view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the ocean.
Like Google earth, Google map let you view the earth map in 2D phase.