Good News for Game developers: Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Available Now

Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers

Gamers get excited as Amazon GameLift Realtime servers are generally available to help game developers create and customize game servers at affordable prices. The recent announcement at the preview of Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2019 has assured the game developers to overcome the challenges they face while developing a great multiplayer game experience. Amazon GameLift is all set to reduce the time and cost involved in building a multiplayer game by offering a great level of expertise.

Using the GameLift Realtime Servers, developers can now create multiplayer game servers capable of being customized with just a few JavaScript running behind and can be scaled to millions of players within an efficient pricing per month.

With availability in more than 15 AWS Regions including US East, US West, Central Canada, EU Central, EU West, Asia Pacific- South, Northeast, Southeast, China, and South America East, GameLift Realtime Servers are ready to grab the attention of the developers for exploring options for multi-player games.