One- way links help you to gain higher rankings in the major search engines. Different ways to get them are:
1. If you create a useful and an interesting web site then other sites will link to it obviously.
2. Write original articles and submit them to newsletters which are then archived online.
3. Use the basic SEO such as Directory Submission, to submit your website to main directories like Yahoo! and, in the suitable category.
4. Just submit articles to article directories. By using tool ArticleAnnouncer, you can speed up this work. This is the tool which the professionals use.
5. Publish articles on your site and search for those sites that complement yours and ask them to publish your articles on their site with a link to you.
6. Submit useful, brief hints to newsletters for the same reason.
7. Get your white papers published on other web sites.
8. Take participate in forums that allow a text link to your website in a signature. Start with the helpful, friendly affiliate forum.
9. Write testimonials for your favorite products. Organizations often post testimonials on their site with a link to the submitting site.
10. Consider buying ads in newsletters on your topic which are archived online.
11. Buy text link ads on other sites, example from Text Link Ads or Linkadage.
12. You should create simple web-based free software and tell other newsletters, websites and forums about it and ask for a link to it.
13. You should locate industry-specific directories and submit your website to them, example, if your site is related to a health topic then look out for health-related directories.
14. Write a blog and get it listed in blog directories.
15. Get listed in business directories.
16. Create regular news releases and submit them to topic-related web sites and Internet news wires like Business Wire and PRWeb.
17. Syndicate your stuff and material to other sites. Prepare a content syndication feed means RSS feed and include a link to your site. Rather than using Javascript, use PHP to ensure search engines parse your links and headings.
I hope these tips will help you to get one-way link to your site.