In 21st century the whole world is depend upon the internet. From Online shopping to money transaction is possible by internet. You can’t imagine the life without the internet. Today every big organ...
This article helps you to add Google Analytics Code in your wordpress. We have mentioned the method in steps: First of all you would have to create an account in Google Analytics. After creating an ac...
In this article we are going to discuss an important topic of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Every SEO has a dream to get the higher page rank for his website. But getting good page rank is not an ...
In this article we are going to discuss about an important part of off page seo. We have already discussed about off page seo in our previous article. People discusses in forums that they comment in m...
In our corporate blog we are starting to give the small introduction of every employee of our company.This will help our clients to know more about the i2k2 Networks and its employees. The other ben...
In our previous article we had discussed about the On Page Optimization. In this article we will discuss about the off page optimization and some important tips about Off Page Optimization Off Page Op...
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a way to optimize your website for the Search Engines as well as for the customers. There are basically two ways for website optimization. 1. On Page O...