When you decide to take your business online, one of the most important decisions is deciding on the web hosting for your website. A choice between Windows and Linux hosting is influenced by the requirements of your business as well as your preferences. While Linux hosting is one of the most preferred web hosting options, Windows web hosting is the go-to choice if you require some unique function of Windows systems for the proper functioning of your website. The functionality and efficiency of your website greatly depends on the web hosting provider you choose. Here is a look at four basic things that you need to look for in a Windows web hosting provider.
Also Read: 3 Things to Look for in a Web-Hosting Service Provider
1. Support for Software
If you intend to run certain software, scripts, or languages on your website, it is important to make sure that it is supported by your web host. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you have signed up with a windows hosting provider, only to find out that they don’t support the software or script that you require to run your website. If you do not wish to run windows software and programs, you still have to double check with your host if your software is supported.
2. Easy-to-use Site Management Tools
If you are new to online site hosting, you will want to look at certain site management applications and tools that will make the task easier. You will need a hosting control panel that is user-friendly without compromising on features. Additionally, you will also need a bundles application installer so that you can quickly deploy multiple applications on the server without much difficulty.
3. Tariff Plans Customized to Your Requirements
It is important to find a web hosting provider that offers plans that are customized to meet your needs and also fit within your budget. This is a great benefit as you get to save immensely by paying for only what you use. Make sure that the plans are scalable to cater for growth requirements.
4. Multiple Domain Support
Multiple domain support allows you to host multiple domain names under a single hosting account. Many times, single businesses have to host different websites with different domain names. Having an individual hosting account for each domain name does not make any sense when you have the option of multiple domain name hosting. Choose a web hosting provider that supports multiple domains hosting so that you have to face any problems in future.
Also Read: Top 4 Hosting Problems and How They Can Affect Your Website
Wrap Up
If you are a beginner and looking for a Windows hosting provider that offers complete technical support and customized plans according to your requirements, look no further. I2K2 Networks is one of the leading web hosting providers in India. We offer a wide array of Windows and Linux hosting solutions to meet your specific needs. Call +91-120-466 3031 |+91- 971-177-4040. You can also fill out our contact form.