What is SocialMeter?

Socialmeter is an average tool that checks the major social websites to analyze a webpage’s social popularity from Del.icio.us, Furl, Google, Digg, Jots, Netscape, Linkroll, Reddit, Spurl, Shadows, Yahoo My Web and Technorati.

We can also define Socialmeter as a tool to get an idea quickly that how many people are linking to a website. The returned number can be considered a measure of the popularity of a site. A link count (as a measure of popularity) can be misleading since newer sites may be popular but since they are new may not have as many links as older sites.

My friend has e-mailed the company asking for doing few things like:

•    e-mail the results
•    post the results
•    rss the results
•    show off the results

One component of my weekly site statistic check was to use SocialMeter.  They would ping a number of different sites and match the links for a count of the site’s popularity.  Now, the site seems to be a mirror for a site called Engrade.

According to Technorati, in 2007, it had a Google page rank of 6.  It had an Alexa rank of 98,000 and almost 700 links.  Over 1,000 links from del.icio.us and over 16,000 links in Google’s system gave the site quite a bit of clout.

At 101 Main Street San Diego, California 92101, the registrar is Holt Labs. On August 12th, 2006, it was registered with GoDaddy and got expired in August 12th, 2008. The Holt Labs website said they were Incubating, developing as well as managing the Internet’s leading innovative services.  They listed Social Meter and engraded as some of their projects.

I have shared this tool in my friend circle and I have seen it being useful as Center Networks starts to get some buzz around it.